just another canvas

26 April 2005

a walk around the 'hood

A few hours wondering the neighborhood with Sara turned up quite a few different "artworks". It all started as a search for the odd bird to show each other, but hours later it was 8pm, and we hadn't eaten. then Matt called, ending my conversation quite quickly (sorry again Sara!!). but Mom and Matt are well in Nashville, TN. They skipped Dolly Parton at the Grand Ol' Oprey, but were planning on a dinner cruise aboard General Jackson.

yee haw

Back to the photo hunt:
Various pieces scattered about

vs. that's a lot of mail boxes

juan would approve stinky trash, next to more trash

smashy, smashy sit bubu, sit

monsters inc?no kleining 'servant says listen up' mini stencils 1 mini stencils 2

hunting a flock of birds

big bird on garbage - 86th Ave. near 109 St. big bird on garbage - 86th Ave. near 109 St. 6 birds - SW corner of 109 St. and 85 Ave. 6 birds - SW corner of 109 St. and 85 Ave. 6 birds - SW corner of 109 St. and 85 Ave. 6 birds - SW corner of 109 St. and 85 Ave. behind Skier's (8600 109 St.) garage on 108 St. and 85.5 Ave (alley) burnt dumpster behind Mac's (Whyte Ave & 107 St.) stop sign on 110 St. at 86 Ave 107 St. and 84th Ave. crosswalk on 109 St. at 84th Ave. dumpster behind the Running Room (8500 109 St.) corner of Calgary Trail and Whyte by Second Cup

The "Listen" pieces are the most prominent in the area as far as any stencilling or art goes. As for tagging, KLAME takes the cake.
I can already think of some stencils that I missed, so I will be heading back out some day soon to capture those.
Hope you enjoyed!


a collection of random posts, pictures, etc.