just another canvas

08 October 2005

hockey's back

heeeeeeere's Johnny!!!!

I can't believe I didn't post anything about hockey being back. i guess it really was too much for words though. very overwhelming and all, with all the teams playing all on the same night. and the canucks winning. and Sundin getting hurt.

It will all sink in today when that spectacular song from the heavens plays at 4 and 7pm.

CBC: Hockey Rules!
And it's little coincidence that the hardmen on the CBC's negotiating team quickly folded their tents and settled with the union with the imminent return of Don and Ron.

Because Hockey Night in Canada - the Saturday night staple of Canadians' TV watching habits that went missing during the long NHL lockout - is one of the few programs that is wildly popular with a huge part of the Canadian population.

The Coach's Corner segment, featuring the legendary Don Cherry and his straight man Ron MacLean, often has higher ratings than the hockey game itself. Love him or hate him, millions of Canadians can identify with the man they call Grapes and his refreshingly conservative views of the world.

Of course, CBC brass hate Cherry for it. Several times they have tried to muzzle him or get rid of the former Boston Bruins coach.

But they can't. Ordinary Canadians would not put up with an action so cynically and blatantly political.

More importantly, Hockey Night in Canada advertisers, who pump $50 million onto the CBC's bottom line each year to support all its politically correct programming that nobody watches, would also likely kick up a major fuss.

Plain and simple, the CBC came to its senses and settled with its workers in time to get Hockey Night in Canada back on the air tonight.
- Edmonton Sun: Commentary

don't get me wrong, i don't typically read the Edmonton Sun, the trash it is. i only look at it. for the pictures. of the sunshine girl. and to then make rude comments. back when i went to NAIT. and it was free.


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