just another canvas

18 August 2005

f to the u to the c-k

so with the CBC lockout going on, i don't get my daily news update sent to my e-mail. i noticed this because i thought i'd share some with you, the readers, but i had no new mail. so this post should be extra special. i had to go out and find the news myself. now, i never share the usual bad news with you people. i want to share some off-the-beaten-path stuff, things that aren't front page material. so today i share something that may impact our future in an unsuspecting way, and something you journalists or authors may enjoy. sure beats car bombs or self-igniting old women, too.

first Google Image result

hold on. what the fuck. i thought i'd be risqué by putting up the first result, no matter what it ended up being, without looking first. and this is what i get. lame. and cool. she is cute. but for those, like me, who would rather get a quick look at a cheap porn picture, here ya go. pervert ;)

New edition of Canadian Press handbook includes infamous four-letter word
The word that rhymes with duck is only one of dozens of new or changed listings in Caps, the manual used by thousands of editors in journalism, public relations, government and business. Many of the new entries are technology-related, from BlackBerry to Xbox.
- CBC Arts News


a collection of random posts, pictures, etc.