just another canvas

23 August 2005

words. you all want words.

maybe i want words.

i never have much to say out loud.
but fyi, i'm trying to expand my photographic abilities.

these are some of the results.

some are just cropped and some variously edited.

i have taken this on as a new art form for me.

maybe 'cause i'm lazy and painting and drawing take time.

maybe i believe in the old worries that photography will replace them.

i have a feeling though that is not true. it hasn't happened yet.

i will return full cycle, back to drawing, painting, abstract, realism.
but language and writings never enter that cycle.

it's not a creative out for me.

and that's what this was for, this 'blog' - just another canvas.
i've never kept a journal for a consistant time.

when i did, i used crayons, pencils, pictures all over the page.

it was for thoughts. like most writings.

and i don't share my thoughts well.

i didn't get taught that in kindergarden.

"A picture is a poem without words."


a collection of random posts, pictures, etc.