just another canvas

24 September 2005

air | girl ratings

one of Earth, Fire, Water and Air.

i met someone tonight that i would classify as 'adorable'. and not to put her up on to high of a pedestal, there are easily other girls i'd give this one-word classification, it's just this one i met and inspired the word. there has only really only been one other girl that i have given such a description, and it was 'fantastic'. currently, 'fantastic' is the highest in now what seems to be a ranking system i'm creating for myself.

now adorable sounds like something you'd call a child, but this is not quite the case. i guess it follows similar requisites - cute, shy-ish, etc. - but i don't mean this as an insult in anyway. it's just that i don't really know her at all, except for an outing in a group of people to a club. i also hope that she doesn't stay pigeon-holed into this group permanently.

personally, i hope she could reach 'fantastic'. maybe that way i would get over the previous holder of the title.

[translation for those at home:
fantastic = almost obsessed of,
adorable = attracted to.
leaving lots of room for more adjectives to be added. wooooo...]


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