just another canvas

02 May 2006

dark dattos

an older picture. just playing around. this guy/car works/worked 1/2 a block away from me. now it's like 3. i have been trying to decide how to show bigger pictures, so i have been playing around. i'm only allowed 250Kb per picture, so the bigger i go, the crappier the quality. let me know how it looks, and how slow the page loads. but with any new pictures, this one included, you can click on it to show it bigger, until i find a better way.

i went for sushi friday night for dinner down in new west with a friend and his wife. mental note: if it's cheap, it's just not quite worth it. i've been spoiled with the two resturant here in town that have excellent quality.
the weekend followed with many an hour standing on my feet. it was great! the summer is officially here, now that road racing has kicked off. sorry, too busy working for pictures. the other workers have already started to try and convince me to go to Edmonton and work the Inday race... hmmm... but Portland!!! ahhhh!!! but what a race to work as my first pro race.


a collection of random posts, pictures, etc.