just another canvas

20 June 2005


I lose it, Snap, quick...

A quick question to anyone who reads this. As soe of you know, I'm a pretty laid back guy. I never get mad at anyone, and rarely get upset at things. It tends to seem apathetic or lazy, but I just don't get boiled over on many things. So when I loaned my favorite hoodie to some girl at a party cause she's cold, and she returns it covered in axle grease from a truck, what should one do? And not just one spot. It's got it smeared all over it. Back. Front. Both sleeves. I looked like she used it to sit on on the semi-trailer, not just brushed by it like she said.
I kinda brushed it off though, but played sad to gain some sympathy and make her feel bad, which kinda seems worse than just loosing it. But I wish I had just lost it. I wouldn't be the one cleaning it and hoping it comes clean.
She said to get back to her on whether it comes out, but I hardly know her, she's a friend of a friend's brother. We'll see I guess. When she clued in to where it was from, she felt bad on her own and offered to pay for it if it doesn't wash out.

FYI, it's my lime green zip-up from LLL.
now with hip black polkadots


a collection of random posts, pictures, etc.