14 September 2006
13 September 2006
12 September 2006
11 September 2006
10 September 2006
the past weekend included the All Nissan/Datsun Show & Autocross. i haven't made it to the show in 5+ years, so it was a nice change. it was really the only datsun show i've been to in 5+ years! i didn't make it to last years show, only the autocross. this year i made it to both, and took the ice racer for kicks. the racing was tricky, but i managed to get the car to be in the top 15 (~12 i think). it's just not setup to do this kinda thing anymore. i'm looking forward to ice racing already! at the show, the car garnered many a curious spectator, but it really looked out of place nest to all the nice street cars. i'll be more than happy next year with my wagon there. i was already talkin' trash to the other wagon guys, so i better get it done. i sure hope it doesn't take a year to complete! i hope it's done (painted) before ice racing...
06 September 2006
05 September 2006
my original project has returned to me. this was before my convertable 'project', and now falls in line after the wagon project, and likely the race car project, and still more likely, the UK 'project'.
as for the wagon, another piece is being added to the pile tomorrow. a '95 2.4L motor and 5 speed from a 240SX. i wasn't looking for it, it just fell in my lap almost. personally, i'd rather be finding wheels or seats to help prepare the body before paint. soon it will be paint prep time!
04 September 2006
on the long weekend, i spent the whole time - camped and ate - at the race track. these pictures were taken at the salmon feast/beach party on saturday night. the weekend was very long, but was filled with lots of great races, and a few "oopses". the monday seemed like it would never end.
only one more race weekend for me planned - Seattle (Pacific Raceways) for the 30th and 1st. i don't think i can handle spending another long weekend at the track doing something useful. i rather be drinking it away somewhere anywhere else. edmonton? niagra falls? camping?
02 September 2006
5 years ago i moved to Edmonton. i've been back here just over a year. it's amazing how short of a time it takes for someone to recede into a corner. after builing oneself up into someone i was happy and proud of, i have to start again. not from scratch though, and this time i have only a year to fix it - or less.
i have plans are to move out of chilliwack again by next september, and the goal is england.
don't worry chilliwack, it's not your fault. and i'll be back.
01 September 2006
sometimes one draws inspiration from a great quote, a personal story from someone close, a tragic world event.
sometimes it comes from a carefree couple who just stops in, wants to say hi, and makes one feel right again. to serve as a reminder of how life should be lived, the person i should be - want to be. don't take this the wrong way, i don't want to be anyone else. i was just reminded of a different time and place, a different me - one that i need to find and be again.
mandy and james came to visit me this week, and honestly, they made my summer. just a night with two amazing, true friends is all it took. we went to the PNE and i just enjoyed being there. we randomly looked at the displays, missed half of the place, and left early. we came all the way back home, set up thier camp, and then just sat at the park 'til 2 or 3.
the next morning, i pushed some limits of what "I'll be a few hours late" means at work. we relaxed until after 11 in the tent, then made an awesome breakfast, and tried to plan when we would see each other again. with lots of hugs, gropes, and some running around half naked, i finally pulled myself away to go to work.
i guess the real crazy adventures will have to wait til edmonton.
i know there are more of you out there. great friends i have made in the last 5 years. some in edmonton, some who have moved on from there now, and more now that i have been here in chilliwack. and there are some from well before edmonton.
i hope you are doing well. i hope that we will see each other soon and catch up. i miss and love you all!