just another canvas

16 July 2004


when does one know whether or not you are starting to "like" an old friend you've kinda started dating, or just enjoy hangin' with an old friend?
I guess I'll see tonight...


too much time on one's hands...

test | canadian directory

i'm just trying the e-mail function.
wow. there is a lot of blogs out there...
I found a Canadian directory, and plan on starting there for finding other interesting blogs.

reasons for doing this

I thought I'd point out why I started this...kinda a reminder for myself.
I don't see many people reading this, so there's no reason to justify myself.
1. I read Matthew Good's blog religiously.
2. I have been trying to keep a journal of sorts for a while, but I never keep on it.
3. This seems to be a simple way of doing it.
4. Since I'll be starting school soon, I'll have constant internet/computer access.
5. I read Matthew Good's blog religiously.
here's to hoping my posts are somewhat intelligent or interesting

amelie | sex

so, how many people out there are having orgasms right now?
watching Amelie right now. I really need to learn french again.
went to the bar tonight. some girls are amazing to watch, and not in the good way. some girls shouldn't wear certain clothes. in one case she looked like a sausage, the other I could see her ass. both were probably giving some tonight.
it just occured to me that guys are the only ones to "get some", as girls seem to be the ones giving it away...
I can never decide whether or not I need to "get some". I 'm told by many a guy I need to. it's apparently what we have to do at this point in life. but it's been almost a year and I don't feel any less than I should, though I times I feel lonely and think it would help. but there are always sufficient ways to deal with it that don't involve just fucking some chick. and that's all it would be - random fucking. I don't need that, it would only make things worse. I would act all chick-like and get emotionally attached.
atleast that's what I think would happen. I 've never done it. maybe I should give it a whirl, atleast once. but why? I like the fact I have only done it a couple times with people I cared for. mmm...sex.
...back to Amelie...

15 July 2004

my new canvas

well, here's to a new form of communication, a new canvas!
I'm not sure how much I'll use this, like my journal I'm sure...not very often.
I tend to be a visual person, so posting pictures may end up being the majority - but who knows...


a collection of random posts, pictures, etc.