31 July 2005
30 July 2005
29 July 2005
28 July 2005
27 July 2005
26 July 2005
25 July 2005
24 July 2005
22 July 2005
21 July 2005
20 July 2005
19 July 2005
18 July 2005
17 July 2005
16 July 2005
15 July 2005
14 July 2005
13 July 2005
11 July 2005
10 July 2005
09 July 2005
03 July 2005
Staring at the sun
It's a long weekend. Happy Canada Day. And I'm on vacation.
I had nothing to say as of late.
the news has been boring. and I can't read the foreign print. the pictures are nice though.
I haven't been up to much. no need to get stressed. just relax.
I just do some chores. cleaning up after myself. this place isn't all-inclusive. I don't like those places.
I want to be in Edmonton. and I don't. weather sucks, therefore a bad travel destination.
I want to be here. and I don't. it's home. not a holiday.
I keep thinking about some girl lately.I wish she would just get out of my head.
Or atleast that she was a new girl. A travel partner.
I don't keep in touch with anyone. on vacation there are no phones or computers. and reason for not keeping in touch. no one know what I'm doing, or where I am. not even my mom.
I don't feel like doing much.
so I'm on vacation. I don't know when I'll back, where I'm going, or how I'm gonna get there. I just need to start somewhere, and get somewhere else.
so if you feel like it, do some posting here yourself. write in the comments, or just throw in a link.
keep on bloggin'